Shedding Light Moments

26th June 2024.
(Acts 7:59-8:8).
The term “viral video” refers to a short clip posted on the Internet that spreads rapidly as the link is sent from one person to another.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is “viral” in the way it spreads from one person to another. After Stephen, a leader in the early church, was stoned for his faith, the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem were persecuted and forced to leave their homes. See (Acts 8:1-3). Instead of fearfully holding back, these Christians told people about Him wherever they went. “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went” (Acts 8:4).
When we truly know Christ, we cannot keep the good news about Him to ourselves. Even in the most challenging circumstances, we want to keep on telling others about our Saviour and Lord. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Spread the gospel; it’s contagious!”
…Pastor Ross.

24th June 2024.
(Psa 103:15-22).
The psalmist David was no stranger to the unpredictable circumstances of life yet he loved to respond to God in praise. He saw the giant Goliath fall by his sling, he was chased by the murderous King Saul, and he watched the nation of Israel rally under his own leadership. Yet in all these situations, David took time to write and sing psalms of praise to his sovereign God. For example, he wrote, “The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all”(v.19). David understood that in all circumstances we can worship and thank God for His care and control.
What are you experiencing today? A time of blessing or testing? In any event, remember David’s example, and sing praises to God for His rule in our lives. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Praise the Lord! Praise Him for His surpassing greatness!”
…Pastor Ross.

21st June 2024.
(2 Cor 12:14-21).
After his very dramatic conversion on the way to Damascus recorded in Acts chapter 9 the apostle Paul, began spending his life in a dramatically different way. Instead of pursuing Christians to imprison and kill them, he began pursuing non- Christians to convert them. Then he spent the rest of his life for their welfare. He wrote to the church at Corinth, “I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well [for your souls]”(v.15). Everything he did was for the edification of his spiritual children (vv.14,19).
Conversion is far more than just changing our final destination. It’s changing the way we spend each day of our lives. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Conversion takes only a moment; transformation takes a lifetime.”
…Pastor Ross.

19th June 2024.
Ecclesiastes 8:6 says: “There is a proper time and procedure for every matter.” Yet we often become impatient. We want our church to grow quickly, our young people to mature right away, and our problems to be fixed today.
Maybe we need to be reminded that some things take time– God’s time. For instance, when the Israelites first left Egypt, God sent them on the long route to the Promised Land. See Exodus 13:17-18. During that time He prepared them, taught them, and challenged them.
In our microwave world, we want everything done instantaneously. But sometimes that’s not God’s plan. Let’s seek God’s help and learn to accept His timing. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“God’s timetable may move slowly, but it does move surely.”
…Pastor Ross.

17th June 2024.
(Genesis 1:1-23).
Reflecting on their inspiration to fly Orville Wright one of the Wright brothers who are known as the fathers of airplane flight said: “The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space, at full speed, above all obstacles, on the infinite highway of the air.” The Wright brothers spent a great deal of time studying birds in flight before designing their planes.
In Genesis we read that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (1:1), and He said, “Let the birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky”(v.20). We applaud the inventiveness of the Wright brothers. Yet, the Creator, who made creatures capable of flight in the first place, deserves the ultimate glory for the birds and every other creation He has made! So reflect then on this SLM:-
“The design of creation points to the Master Designer.”
…Pastor Ross.

14th June 2024.
(Matt. 5:21-26).
Because we all mess up from time to time, apologies are frequently needed in our relationships. We need to be reminded that apologizing is a biblical action. Jesus instructed His followers to make things right with those we’ve offended (vv.23-24; 18:15-20). And the apostle Paul said, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Rom12:18). Living at peace may require apologies.
Apologies can be hard to make because it takes a spirit of humility to admit our mistake, and this may not come naturally for us. But taking responsibility for how we were wrong in a situation can bring healing and restoration to a relationship.
Have you messed up lately? Swallow your pride and make the first move…it will be worthwhile for the sake of the strained relationship and bring glory to God. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“The best way to get the last word is to apologise.”
…Pastor Ross.

12th June 2024.
Reflecting back over the years it never ceases to amaze me of how God faithfully cares for us in numerous ways. In the different seasons of life, we find ourselves facing all sorts of challenges–but we do not face them on our own. As Christ said, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him”(v.8).
In our time of need– whether spiritual, emotional, or physical–we can depend on the faithful care and concern of the Father. He knows us so well that He chooses the perfect time to give us what is best and to send reassurance of His care. “Not one sparrow is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6-7).
We can trust the wisdom of His love. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“God’s timing is always right”
…Pastor Ross.

10th June 2024.
(1Cor 10:1-13).
The apostle Paul saw the value of embracing the lessons of history. He warned of the destructive nature of bad choices by recounting the story of the children of Israel and their wilderness wanderings–a result of their refusal to trust God and enter the Promised Land. See Numbers 14. Then Paul told the believers in Corinth, “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us on whom the fulfilment of the ages has come.” See 1Cor 10:11.
God has given us the Bible, partly to help us learn from the history of His people. Biblical lessons contain both examples and warnings to guard against our worst inclinations and to lead us into wiser living. The question is whether we will learn from the lessons of the past or repeat the mistakes of those of those who came before us. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Valuable lessons are learned from examining the lives of God’s people who have gone before us.”
….Pastor Ross.